Exclusive Interview: FireFall on Progression Changes & Listening to the Community (Video)

Red 5 Studios has changed the core progression of FireFall not once, not twice but thrice. At first, the open-world shooter was your typical experience-based level grind. The game designers and the community saw such a trope odd in a shooter, causing the modification to a battleframe-based level system complete with skill trees. The battleframe system remains, but modified to be more customizable and easier to understand.

Lead Designer Scott Youngblood elaborates on the drastic changes, the impact the final one will have on players and the game’s future before touching upon other topics. Consumable experience, the possibility of a PvEvPvP map, crafting and customization, constraints, tiering and the massive amount of PvE content are fair game in the latest FireFall interview.

Check out the whole interview complete with gameplay and screenshots behind that fancy little button.