That’s right folks, we’ll be kicking our livestream off for the Head Start access of WildStar early Saturday morning, May 31. That means it’s going to happen just shy of 12 hours from this posting! Are you ready?
If you’re not, we’ve the Open Beta launch round-up of coverage. In addition, you can follow everything we contribute to the WildStar continuum at the main game page. If you’re going to be playing, be it head start or not, be sure to add the Google Authenticator to your account for extra rewards, including a (seemingly permanent) 2% Experience boost.
It’s easy to join in on the launch event. Simply head over to our Twitch.TV channel and follow us for a heads up or swing on back around 3:00 AM EST (12:00 AM PST) to see us take it to the Nexus. Alternatively, head back to this post and watch the stream, which will be available after the cut.
My goal during the event is no less than 10 levels. Ambitious, I know! Ideally, I want to progress to the first dungeon. Sleep may call before that.
Watch live video from LoreHound on www.twitch.tv